Operating under the radar for over 20 years
F3Finance is a spin-out of Praxis Private Office. The company formalises the investment strategies that were developed over time by the core families around Praxis. With a focus on high-conviction direct investments in family owned or controlled companies, F3Finance is a niche investment firm for family investors.
Back to the basics of investing
" Families investing in family businesses." This phrase perfectly summarizes our approach when taking direct stakes in both private and publicly listed companies. We live by the values of our founding families and continue to operate based on a strategy of long term investment approach, high conviction, strong fundamentals and growth. In our Public Equities and Private Equity programs, but also in our Strategic Pools, these are the key elements of our investment thesis. In addition we have created a number of positions in Private Equity funds that align with our strategic vision, but allows for a further diversification.

Quality investing in listed Family Owned Businesses.

Minority stakes in Family controlled businesses

Combining forces to achieve better results

Selected investments in strong GP's